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Mild to moderate haemophilia and von Willebrand's disease:
Adults (including the elderly) should take 300 micrograms (one spray into each nostril) half an hour before surgery or at bleeding.Under direct medical supervision, further doses may be administered at 12 hourly intervals so long as cover is required. As some patients have shown a diminishing response to successive doses, Factor VIII levels should continue to be monitored.Unless specifically directed by the doctor, when OCTIM Nasal Spray is self-administered by the patient, there should be an interval of at least three days between doses.Increase of Factor VIII levels are dependent on basal levels and are normally between 2 and 5 times the pre-treatment levels. If results from a previous administration of desmopressin are not available then blood should be taken pre-dose and 60 minutes post-dose for assay of Factor VIII levels in order to monitor response.Fibrinolytic response testing:
Adults (including the elderly) should take 300 micrograms (one spray in each nostril). A sample of venous blood should be taken 60 minutes later.In patients with a normal response, the sample should show fibrinolytic activity of euglobulin clot precipitate on fibrin plates of at least 240mm2.Pregnancy:
OCTIM Nasal Spray should be given with caution to pregnant patients, although the oxytocic effect of desmopressin is very low.Reproduction studies performed in rats and rabbits with doses of more than 100 times the human dose have revealed no evidence of a harmful action of desmopressin on the fetus. There have been rare reports of malformations in children born to mothers treated for diabetes insipidus during pregnancy. However, a review of available data suggests no increase in the rate of malformations in children exposed to desmopressin throughout pregnancy.Lactation:
Results from analyses of milk from nursing mothers receiving 300 micrograms desmopressin intranasally indicate that the amounts of desmopressin that may be transferred to the child are considerably less than the amounts required to influence diuresis or haemostasis.Treatment:
Overdosage increases the risk of fluid retention and hyponatraemia. If hyponatraemia occurs, desmopressin treatment should immediately be discontinued and fluid intake restricted until serum sodium is normalised.